Our Team
pixoware [pik-suhl-wair]
noun. Beautifully ochestrated electronic experience made from countless digital pixels that deliver tremendous value to companies.In 1996, a freelance web design and development network called Trigger8 was formed. What started out as a way to earn a few extra bucks have turned into a serious operation over the years. The group of geeky youngsters (still young in their hearts, by the way) have evolved into a team of even more technology-savvy, passionate and dedicated digital professionals.
Today, we are proud to say that we have successfully offered our services to clients of all sizes and of different needs. Our value lies in our continued committement and ability in presenting the best user experience that aligns with the business objectives of our clients through integrating digital strategy and planning, design, development, quality control, content management, marketing and product management in our process. Find out how we can help.